The Twelve Steps Meet the Gospel - Reflections on Scripture and Stories of Hope for Those in Recovery

The Twelve Steps Meet the Gospel - Reflections on Scripture and Stories of Hope for Those in Recovery

The authors, both in recovery themselves, bring their experience, strength, and hope to their reflections on Scripture. Organized loosely around the seasons of the liturgical year, their interpretations shed fresh light and power on stories we’ve heard many, many times. Their distinctive viewpoint will strike responsive chords not just with those in recovery, but with anyone who has ever felt out of place, out of step, or somehow set adrift in today’s world.

Product code :852616

ISBN :9781627852616

Author :Trish Vanni and Dick Rice

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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The authors, both in recovery themselves, bring their experience, strength, and hope to their reflections on Scripture. Organized loosely around the seasons of the liturgical year, their interpretations shed fresh light and power on stories we’ve heard many, many times. Their distinctive viewpoint will strike responsive chords not just with those in recovery, but with anyone who has ever felt out of place, out of step, or somehow set adrift in today’s world.

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Author: Trish Vanni and Dick Rice

136 pages | 5.5” x 8.5”